A half way house is one in which certain restrictions are placed on the inmates. However, they are not free to do as they choose. They have to follow rules and regulations for living there. It is a phase of life which the inmates get to spend which is somewhere in between living in jail and being totally free.
One important point to be observed is that inmates of a halfway house are not allowed a lot of activities. For one, they cannot be on any kind of drugs other than those which are permitted. Also, they cannot indulge in smoking and drinking and any such like activities. In addition, they have to follow other norms of the house as well. For example, they have to partake in clean-ship and other rituals. In this, they may have to take responsibility like doing chores which will make the full environment of the halfway house more healthy and hygienic. They may also be asked to partake in cooking and cleaning utensils’ kind of work as well for the other inmates of the half way house.
Is it safe to live in a half way house?
At times, some convicts may also be living in the half way house. They have completed their jail terms and are sent here for a purpose of rehabilitation. This is a place where the inmates will live for a while to condition themselves and accustom themselves to living in a normal and civil kind of society again. It is a safe place to live in since the inmates will not be allowed to keep harmful equipment with them with which they can harm the others around them. This is necessary for some inmates to be able to condition themselves to living in a free place (which is not a jail) again. In fact, it is a good idea for a convict or any other person to live in a half way house for a given duration of time to test if they will be able to live like a normal, law-abiding citizen of a country again. If they do not follow the strictures which are laid out for them, they can be sent to jail.
Sometimes certain programs for rehabilitation of the inmates of the half way house are held. These may include lectures on certain matters which will be of help to them. Also, since they lead sanitized lives without any kind of addictions, their time here is sure to help them a lot. In addition, they may be asked to involve themselves in a few hours’ of some social work during the day time as well. This too, will help them become familiar with civil society again. In most cases, the inmates have to sleep by a certain time and have wake up hours too which are given to them. They may have some free time during the day and some of it will be allotted towards work to help them rehabilitate themselves.
For more details contact: 1200 East Market Street, York, PA 17403. Phone: (717) 854-7337.